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How to migrate to HostiFi without access to the old UniFi controller
How to migrate to HostiFi without access to the old UniFi controller
Reilly Chase avatar
Written by Reilly Chase
Updated over a month ago
  • Sometimes you may need to migrate a UniFi site for which you don't have access to the controller due to server corruption, lost credentials, or a previous installer who didn't provide access.

In this article we will cover several scenarios with steps on how to handle the migration.

No access to device SSH credentials, backups, or UniFi controller

This is the worst case scenario. All the devices will have to be physically factory reset by holding the reset pin, and all network configurations will have to be recreated on the new server.

Network Configuration Migration

In this case you won't be able to migrate any network settings over, so everything will need to be manually recreated on your HostiFi server site.

Device Migration

Without the device credentials, you won't be able to set-inform them. You'll need to hold the factory reset pin on each device to set it back to default credentials of username ubnt, password ubnt, then you will be able to follow the set-inform instructions to adopt the device to the new site you created on the HostiFi server.

You have the device SSH credentials, but no backups, or access to the UniFi controller

In this case, you won't be able to migrate the network configuration, but at least you don't have to factory reset all of the devices by holding the reset pins.

Network Configuration Migration

In this case you won't be able to migrate any network settings over, so everything will need to be manually recreated on your HostiFi server site.

Device Migration

Since you have the SSH credentials for the devices, you can SSH into each device and factory reset it with the set-default command, without needing to hold the reset pin on each device. After the factory reset you can log in again with the default credentials (usually ubnt/ubnt for most or root/ubnt for some devices). Then you can set-inform them to adopt them to the new UniFi Network server.

The old controller is offline, but you have a backup

You should be able to migrate the network configuration in this case. Devices may need to be set-inform manually if they don't reconnect to the old controller after you restore from backup, but at least you won't have to hold the factory reset pin on them since you'll have access to their credentials inside the backup file.

First, restore the backup to a UniFi controller on the local network. You could temporarily install UniFi on your laptop for this.

Network Configuration Migration

After restoring the backup, the devices might not reconnect, but you can do the site import/export wizard to move the network configuration. If the devices did reconnect, you can move them with the configuration as well.

Device Migration

If you weren't able to migrate the devices in the site export, you can still get the SSH credentials for the devices from the backup under Settings > Site > (Enable advanced features first) > Device Authentication section, and then you can set-inform them to HostiFi without having to factory reset them.

You don't know the password on the old controller, but you have physical access to it

You know the password to the old controller, but it's not loading

  • Try doing a MongoDB prune to reduce the load on the database.

  • Also, make sure the server has enough storage and memory available, sometimes a hardware upgrade will get it running long enough to migrate.

  • If you still can't get the old controller up and running, you might need to check for backups and try one of the other migration methods in this article.

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